The Council of Europe - Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
On October the 4th 2016 a Group of Experts of the Convention for Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) of the Council of Europe, visited EKA in the framework of the assessment of the implementation of the respective Convention in our country.
The GRETA delegation consisted of experts Ryszard Piotrowicz and Rita Theodorou Superman, the Executive Secretary of the Convention Petya Nestorova and the Administrator Markus Lehner. From EKA participated in the meeting the President George Mylonas, the General Secretary Kostas Koulouris, the Head of International Relations Christina Theochari and the Head of Immigrants’ Office Vania Nedelcheva. In the meeting, EKA presented its activities and experiences in the area of immigrants’ issues and particularly labor trafficking.