The 11th Permanent Conference of European Capitals Trade Unions
14th – 17th of September 2011 Copenhagen
From 19 to 22 September 2012, was held in Moscow the 12th Permanent Conference of European Capitals Trade Unions on the “Realization of the ‘Decent Work’ Concept under Conditions of Crisis. Risks and Challenges for the European Capitals. Searching for the New Ways of Fighting for the Worker’s Rights”.
In the Conference participated delegations from 16 European Capitals: Athens (EKA), Berlin (DGB), Copenhagen (LO Copenhagen), Helsinki (SAK Helsinki), Kiev (Kiev City Trade Council), London (GLATUC), Madrid (UGT, CCOO), Minsk (Minsk City Trade Union Association), Moscow (MTUF), Oslo (LO Oslo), Paris (CGT, FO, UNSA ), Rome (CGIL, CISL, UIL), Stockholm (LO Stockholm), Valetta (GWU), Wien (AK OOe), Vilnius (Vilnius City Trade Unions).
In the 12th Permanent Conference of European Capitals Trade Unions, EKA was represented by the President Stavy Saloufakou, and the responsible for International Relations Christina Theochari.
The Permanent Conference of European Capitals Trade Unions was established in 1989 as a permanent forum of dialogue and cooperation between its members. EKA is one of the founding members.