Permanent Committee Meeting
8 - 9 of November 2018, Sofia
On the 8 and 9 of November 2018, was held in Sofia the meeting of the Permanent Committee (PC) of the European Capitals’ Trade Unions (ECTUN). The PC worked on the planning of the forthcoming annual Conference of ECTUN that will be held from 18 to 20 of March 2019.
The PC decided on the main topic of the Conference, that will be: “Mobility in the capital cities in the digital era”: Capital cities’ transport systems, using latest technical and digital systems, must support the mobility and quality of life of all workers. Public ownership and public delivery of city transport is the most effective method of delivering a high quality service meeting these needs.
The title of the Conference:
“Transports and mobility in the European Capital Cities for the improvement of living and working conditions”.
Noted that there was a Referendum in Rome on the privatization of public transport in the city (on Sunday 11/11/2018), a message of solidarity for public transport was sent to Rome trade unions form the PC.
A second topic will be: “Populism and the far right: noting the election of various populist and far right representatives across a number of capital cities, trade unions in the capitals call for opposition to this trend, including the highest possible worker participation in forthcoming European, national and local elections”