Trade Unions climate action for the future of workers in the capital cities, 18 to 19 February 2020, Helsinki (Kiljavaranta), Finland
The 2020 conference of the European Capitals Trade Union Network (ECTUN) took place in the SAK education centre at Kiljavaranta, Finland.
The conference was attended by 45 delegates representing 21 Union Organizations from 14 European capitals: Athens EKA, Belgrade CATUB, Berlin DGB, Copenhagen LO-D, Helsinki SAK, La Valletta GWU, Lisbon CGTP-IN, London GLATUC, TUC LESE, Madrid CCOO, UGT, Moscow MTUF, Paris CGT, CFDT, FO, UNSA, Rome CGIL, CISL, UIL, Sofia PODKREPA, Stockholm LO-S, along with Luca Visentini ETUC General Secretary, Jarkko Eloranta President of SAK, Philippe Pochet ETUI General Director, Vera Dos Santos Costa ETUI Director of the education department, Ludovic de Vout ETUC Confederal Secretary on Sustainable Development and Energy Policy, Lene Olsen Senior programme and operations specialist at the ILO, and many experts. The Conference was under the auspices of the European Trade Unions Confederation (ETUC) and the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI).